Keto Bars: Mission Statement

My Role:


The Problem:

Keto Bars had the unique position of truly being the OG of on-the-go Keto products. But, as the Keto diet became more popular, they went from no competition to a lot of competition, who had a lot more money. While their tagline, “honest by design” still rang true to their values, their old mission statement, “Our mission is to help you with your mission” needed an update.

The Solution:

After completing a brand values exercise with the Founder and VP of marketing, it became very clear that this was a company who was invested in good. In one session, the VP of marketing said “look, we’d never tell people they need our products, that’s not what we’re about. We just want to make the Keto lifestyle more accessible and more honest when people are on the go.”

That stuck with me, because it feels rare for a company to not say their product is the cure-all. To be actively dedicated to honesty and quality. I admired it — and I wanted to make that the focus.


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